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Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009


          Jakarta - Sistem kesehatan di Indonesia dinilai sangat liberal dan tak terkontrol. Bahkan, pihak swasta bisa membuat harga sendiri tanpa kontrol dari siapa pun. "Harusnya pemerintah ikut mengontrol pelayanan kesehatan oleh swasta. Tapi kenyatannya, siapa yang mengontrol. Mekanisme komplain harus diatur jelas," kata Ketua Koalisi Untuk Indonesia Sehat (KUIS), Firman Lubis dalam diskusi RUU Kesehatan di kantor ICW, Jalan Kalibata Timur, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis, (30/7/2009). Dengan sistem kesehatan sekarang ini, pengelola swasta bisa memberikan harga terhadap pasien secara sepihak. Selain itu, standar pelayanan pun tak transparan seperti tata cara memberikan keluhan dan sebagainya. "Itu harus diatur dalam RUU Kesehatan yang sedang digodok DPR," ujarnya.

image          Selain kontrol terhadap peran layanan kesehatan oleh masyarakat, menurut dia, RUU harus bisa mengubah paradigma jaminan kesehatan dari paradigma kuratif (pengobatan) menjadi paradigma preventif (pencegahan). "Jika menggunakan paradigma sekarang, maka yang terjadi adalah Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas) yaitu pemerintah mengobati orang sakit. Itu sangat butuh dana besar dan memboroskan anggaran. Tidak mendidik dan menjadikan ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap rumah sakit. Ini harus diubah menjadi program pencegahan seperti di AS dan Eropa," papar Firman yang juga staff pengajar FK UI ini. Selain masalah peran negara, RUU juga harus jelas mengatur hubungan dokter dengan produsen obat. Selama ini, terjadi kolusi antara keduanya sehingga masyarakat dirugikan dengan harga obat yang tak terkontrol. "Harus dipisahkan tegas antara keduanya," kata dia.
          Berbeda dengan UU 23/2003, RUU ini juga akan mengatur aborsi yang kontroversial. Di RUU ini mengatur peran tokoh agama untuk menentukan seorang ibu boleh diaborsi atau tidak. Jika aturan ini dimasukan, lanjut dia, maka akan menjadi permasalahn baru tentang siapa lembaga agama tersebut. "Kalau peraturan sebelumnya, hanya ada 2 yaitu dokter dan psikolog. Kalau ada lembaga agama, siapa dia," kata Firman. (asp/aan) Andi Saputra

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          Kalau kembali ke masa silam…teringat akan masa ospek fakultas yang dikenal dengan nama PeKaK. ouh…betapa kami sangat “bahagia” luar biasa, dan di luar dugaan ternyata angkatan kami mendapat apresiasi yang bombastis….hm…angkatan pok ame-ame..seru kan…hikz..gara-garanya bikin yel-yel yang judulnya pok ame-ame.begini cuplikan baitnya.

“ pok ame-ame belalang kupu-kupu, siang makan nasi kami bukan orang cupu”

          Namun,yel-yel itu memberikan semangat bagi kami untuk melalui hari-hari yang mungkin terasa berat. Karena kami memang bukan orang cupu, we are the choosen people!! :)

          PeKaK berlangsung selama 5 hari, mulai hari senin sampai dengan jumat.. akhir agustus 2008meskipun tugas seabrek, makan tak sempat,mandipun tak kuasa. Tapi hari-hari itu terasa sangat menyenangkan. hmm, oke, jujur sebenarnya pada saat itu jelas sekali kurang menyenangkan karena capeknya nggak kalah jika dibandingkan dengan ngepel borobudur dan pekatarannya, haha.. tapi jelas juga, bahwa di sela-sela keletihan terasa sekali bahwa kami adalah saudara yang merasa senasib sepenanggungan. Sungguh tak akan terulang untuk yang kedua kalinya. rasanya kami begitu kompak, kami begitu solid. mungkin sesolid atom-atom dalam benda padat, erat dan saling berdampingan.

          Tak ada yang sia-sia. semua keringat menjadi kenangan yang tak akan terganti. Di masa ini, sering rasanya timbul lamunan kecil tentang masa-masa itu. Masa ospek kami yang berharga. Sebuah catatan unik dalam cerita kehidupan masing-masing individu, angkatan 15 fkm unair 2008…


Kamis, 23 Juli 2009


clip_image002Public Health Faculty of Airlangga University ought to be proud because among so many available faculties in the Airlangga University, Public Health was the faculty that was visited by the guests from overseas that is the student from United State, America. They consisted of several people who came from the faculty that was different in Oklahoma University and Missisipi University, they are Bryan, Cooper, Lucy, Joody, Betty, John, Lika, and others. Their arrival in Indonesia by the EEC (Easy English Course) with Public Health Faculty for the activity of culture exchange which tried to introduce their respective culture and of course for Indonesia culture too. The clip_image004available activity inside are sharing, carried out the activities together, and practice our English in learning by doing. The first day was the reception from the lecture of Public Health Faculty and the student (including the student of English Club). They were accompanied by the guest plate of the Jejer dance and the introduction to the good regional tradition of wedding party and other. In this opportunity, the American student also carried out several attractions and the guest plate that were enough entertained. After the welcoming agenda, arrived the activity of sharing together that discussed around education, family, friends, dating, holiday, taboo, entertainment, lifestyle, and else. This activity was very pleasant and all of us studied mutual their respective culture there, to know each other and honour the difference, moreover the response from the American student was also friendly and so nice. Just a little that could be explained here that the educational agency in America was that public school that for the school was not put on the cost completely and the private school that have a payment. The child who still was 4 years old could have at once gone to school and for the student who was not more well-off in the private school got the loan that eventually can be settled after passing and working. For dating topic, most students in America used the flower and asked the dance to his couple to show his love.

clip_image006If there are those that asked about the email address, several of the they were that did not memorise because they often checked the email or something in the internet when the hot season holiday which always called summer and could reach 3 length months. The activity that often was carried out by them was sport and hang out with his friends moreover when weekend. The second day was interesting attracted for them because we asked for the American student in counselling to use the doll theatre in SDN Mulyorejo 1. The response from the American student was very really enthusiastic especially to begin try the language and learn about Indonesian culture. The committee of us also provided several pedicabs to be used by the American student and they really felt happy caused that. The third day was on Monday what was a series of separation agenda and be accompanied guest plates kuliner and the attraction of the other culture both from Indonesia and from the American side too. Although a part from the schedule, before Monday that is Sunday afternoon, several students from us join with the American student and all the EEC in playing kickball that is a kind baseball but not used stick. This game used your kick. In the middle of the community felt like the closeness that was caused the time of Magribh had came. “That would not forget from my memories”, said Cooper, one of the students from Oklahoma University.